Global Investment Partners
Beyond the investment in financial perspectives, we have investment partners
who understand the IT industry by sector. In particular, based on our long
experience and insight gained in the global IT industry, we provide a network
that enables you to interact with core personnel across the global IT industry
and practical assistance for a variety of management and business issues to
be faced by start-ups.
Active Support
Start-ups would face with various inflection points by growth stage. We pro-
vide the necessary assistance for start-ups such as headhunting, additional
investment attraction, overseas advancement and public relation.
Management/Business Operation Support
When you run a company, you often encounter issues related to tax/legal/ac-
counting, public relation/marketing and HR. Internal experts of BLUEPAN HOLDINGS would
provide practical assistance on the issues. Furthermore, we would connect exter-
nal partners for you to get professional help.